A start-up mindset is needed to achieve net-zero real estate on time

A start-up mindset is needed to achieve net-zero real estate on time

A common challenge real estate faces in adopting proptech is cost perceptions, particularly in these economically uncertain times. Real estate industry sensitivity to cost serves as a strong differentiator for many environmentally oriented proptechs, as they usually reduce resource consumption, whether it be energy, plant machinery, construction materials, water, labor or others.

12 months on: what have we learned from ChatGPT?

12 months on: what have we learned from ChatGPT?

Although ChatGPT popularised generative AI, it once again wasn’t the first in this space. Chatbots, for instance, offer a comparable use case to the one initially offered by ChatGPT. In the case of a chatbot, the corpus of data could be a utility company’s internal data, which allows for AI-enabled customer support and decision making…

The gathering stranded asset storm in commercial real estate

The gathering stranded asset storm in commercial real estate

CRE in the UK finds itself in a quagmire. On the one hand, sub-EPC B assets will be unable to be leased from 2030 (and finance is already becoming harder to come by). On the other hand, it appears that capital expenditures to improve an asset’s EPC rating might not actually improve its energy performance or environmental footprint…

Are We In A Housing Bubble? Here's The Long And The Short Of It…

Are We In A Housing Bubble? Here's The Long And The Short Of It…

With 2021 seeing record level property prices and borrowing, the usual suspects will no doubt shift the conversation to a housing bubble sooner or later. Today, we will unpack some of the most common claims surrounding the question of whether Australia is in the midst of a housing bubble.

Could Sydney house prices reach a $1.5m point of no return?

Could Sydney house prices reach a $1.5m point of no return?

I would argue the biggest factor that stalled Sydney house price growth from 2017 was the APRA interventions discussed at the beginning of this article. Now that they’ve been relaxed, it is very possible Sydney could enter a market frenzy at equal or greater magnitude as was occurring a little over a half-decade ago…

COVID Not Enough To Deter Australian Homebuyers

COVID Not Enough To Deter Australian Homebuyers

Undoubtedly fueling Australia’s curious property performance during the first half of the year is growth in housing finance. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, each month of 2020 (except May) experienced a higher volume of new housing loans than the corresponding month in 2019…

Navigating investment property risks

Navigating investment property risks

The prevailing sentiment over many years implies that Sydney is not only among the most unaffordable places to live in Australia but also in the world. The city’s sensitivity to changes in the availability of credit indicates that many Sydneysiders are teetering on the edge of externally imposed limits of affordability.